關於我們 About Us
Founded by T.N. Liu, CANS is the leading media resource for the Chinese art market with the goal of bringing transparency to the art world. Founded in 1996, with its first publication Chinese Arts Auction Records, followed by two other magazines: CANS Chinese Art News (July 1997) and CANS Contemporary Art News (February 2005). The Chinese Arts Auction Records is published annually, and two magazines are published monthly. The CANS magazines are two of the leading Chinese-language periodicals covering antique and contemporary art in Asia, presenting the latest trends in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Asia Pacific region. With a strong worldwide network providing the latest news, exhibition information, and entertainment, CANS reports on global developments in the art industry from an Asian perspective. Later, CANS founded Tea Magazine in 2013 and set up CANS Bookstore and Exhibition Space, which brings together a variety of products to your audience of collectors, dealers, and art enthusiasts.

CANS藝術新聞 CANS Chinese Art News
Founded in 1997, specializing in the antique art market, offers statistical analysis and reviews, Chinese Art News offers viewers the latest news and in-depth articles on current art market-related topics and prominent cultural figures.
當代藝術新聞 CANS Contemporary Art News
Introduced in February 2005, add-on to CANS Chinese Art News, focusing on the contemporary art market in Asia, integrating with the community of Northeast and Southeast Asia. CANS Contemporary Art News offers up-to-date topics including in-depth art market analysis and reviews, interviews of prominent figures, and emerging Asian artists.
拍賣年鑑 Chinese Antiques Arts Auctions Records
Founded in 1996, offers the most comprehensive archive of auction results in the world. Host to results spanning over categories in Chinese works of arts, every lots is catalogued, translated, and edited by a team of specialists. This professional publication serves as a database and a valuation tool used by appraisers, dealers, and collectors, allowing users to make informed decisions about buying or selling art.
自2011年問世,《tea茶》雜誌開始作為副刊收錄在《CANS藝術新聞》中,以文化藝術為概念,介紹文物精品、創作名家、茶事訊息、以及茶空間等訊息。後在2013年開春之際,將其獨立以「季刊」形式發行。《tea茶》雜誌按中國曆法中24節氣「春分」、 「夏至」、「秋分」、「冬至」等四個日期訂為發行時間,藉由雜誌的形式,探究在「茶」底下更深、更廣之精神。
Introduced in 2011, offers aspect of Chinese tea culture. The Tea Magazine has been set to publish in the form of “Quarterly” by the spring of 2013, as to the story in Chinese calendar, through four seasons of the spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox, and winter solstice in 24 solar terms. Tea magazine offers a deeper and broader spirit under the rise of tea culture- which perhaps found fullest expression around the turn of the modern era.
罐子書屋 & 罐空間 CANS books store & CANS Space
In 2006, CANS opened a book store in Beijing’s 798 Art District, offers a comprehensive selection of art reference books, including catalogue raisonnés, auction catalogues, important museum exhibition catalogues and superb copied of rare books in all fields. Later in 2013, CANS opened a second store location in Taipei’s Yong Kang District, devoted to exploring the place for books meet arts and culture. Our bookstore and space design are inspired and influenced by Japanese Zen interiors on contemporary spaces. Building upon CANS publishing program, both spaces present thematic curatorial activities to connect the communities. Numbers of art exhibitions, tea ceremonies, auction previews, lectures and talks have been held at our both locations.
北京罐子書屋 CANS Book Shop (Beijing)
Founded in 2006, the CANS book shop is located in Beijing 798 Art Zone. As one of the leading art bookshops in mainland China, it offers a wide range of books on art, antiques, utensils, furniture, and Humanities from major publishers and museums across the country and abroad. In 2019, the CANS book shop has been entirely redesigned to provide spaces for exhibitions including furniture, ceramics, Yixing Pottery, incense ware, and tea utensils, in addition to art and cultural events such as book launches and seminars.